
Today is a very special day for me, and I wanted to take a moment to capture my feelings.
Last week, I celebrated my 38th birthday. I spent time with my family and friends, celebrating throughout the week with our respective families. I was able to spend some special time with my wife and son, enjoying the weather, great food, and fantastic memories. In about 1 hour, I will be welcoming my second son into this world.
Through all of these moments, I've felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Gratitude for my health. Gratitude for these moments. Gratitude for my family. Gratitude for every friend, colleague, and person that has helped me get here. Gratitude for my wife, and how amazing she is to create this family. Gratitude for everything that God has graced me with.
I still have great ambitions. I still lots to accomplish. And there's still so much to see, do, and experience. But right now, I feel gratitude for the fact that I have everything a man could ever hope to want.